Slim Fit (Intense Slimming + Oil Detox) (7 Sachets)

$19.00Purchase & earn 19 points!

(Intense Slimming+Oil Detox)
Draws oil and impurity out from body.
Further reduction in weight.
Removes stubborn fat that dieting and exercise hass failed to remove.
Reduces cellulite, excessive fatty depositions.


One tea bag/sachet at a time, brew each tea bag with a glass of hot water and leave it covered to brew for about 10-15 minutes.
One tea bag/sachet for maintenance two tea bag/sachet for improvements.
Slimming/Detox/Health Improvement teas before 7pm. Sleep/Night Detox after 7pm.
Best to consume 28 days for visible results.

998 in stock

$19.00Purchase & earn 19 points!

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